Online Certificate in Family Nutrition

Approved by the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics/CDR
for 60 CPEUs & ACSM 40 CECs & more

The Online OPEN ENROLLMENT Professional Certificate in Family Nutrition has been designed to meet the growing demand for Registered Dietitians, DTRs, allied health/medical and fitness professionals, parents, and the general public who want to learn to develop healthy food strategies, family support education, and advanced nutritional planning for moms, children, and the entire family.  This Web-based Certificate program provides an in-depth examination of
developing nutritionally fit, fun, and energized families through foods and
proper nutrition! In addition, learn “Healthy Habit Strategies” to cope with
family dynamics and the different environments each member of the family
lives in.

This program is offered in an open enrollment format, meaning
you can register at anytime and once logged in, you have 8 weeks
to complete the course(s) you registered for.

 Click here to review a detailed Certificate Program Fact Sheet.
 Click here
for a list of CECs/CEUs.

Certificate Course Descriptions

Course 1:  Healthy Moms and Infant Nutrition
Instructor:  Rachel Blaine, MPH, RD
Navigating through evidence-based research, this course will explore
important nutritional recommendations for preconception, pregnancy, and
infant and toddler feeding
. In addition, it will also address food planning
strategies for families (healthy meal and snack ideas, exercise, and family
support) to embrace healthy living and eating post-delivery. This course will
debunk many common myths a
nd provide a basic understanding of the most
current maternal and child nutrition recommendations
. Learn why early
nutrition is the key to preventing childhood obesity and obesity later in life,
as well as where to find excellent books and online resources for deeper
exploration of topics of interest

Course 2:  Healthy Children Nutrition:  At the Home, Work and
External Environments

Christen Cooper, MS, RD
This course is designed for professionals and parents concerned and
interested in expanding their nutrition knowledge. Utilizing evidence-based
research, explore the role and impact of three predominant nutrition
environments that affect a child’s food choices: the home, the school, and the
external environment. Topics covered include: navigating the fast food
jungle, addressing media and marketing to children, identifying the
connection between nutrition and school performance and behavior,
exploring successful parental feeding behaviors, and general strategies for
childhood overweight and obesity prevention